Mint Salon Wedding Contract:

Please note, once the deposit agreement is signed and your deposit is made there will be NO REFUNDS. Any changes in appointments must be made at least 24 hours prior to scheduled appointments, otherwise deposit will be forfeited. You must then make another appointment within the month or another deposit will be required.


Guarantee of Payment

We are unable to give refunds but will gladly work with you to achieve desired results. Discounts offered by our regular coupons/ postcards do not apply to this service. Mint Salon requires the payment to be guaranteed by a major credit card if paying by check. If for any reason the check is returned, this agreement gives Mint Salon the authorization to transpose the amount of the check onto the card given. If a major credit card is not available, cash is required. Sorry, but we are not able to accept any out of state checks. We will protect your privacy rights as a consumer and keep all information strictly confidential.